Powershell – Want to Export-CSV variable with properties


I want to build a "~table" that holds information about various computer (e.g. Name, IP Address and MAC Address though more information could be added later). Here is what I have so far:

$Computers = "Server1", "Server2", "Server" #Eventually will get from file
$a = $Computers.length

$User = Read-Host "Enter Username"
$Cred = Get-Credential $User

$ComputerInfo = @{NAME = 1..$a; IP_ADDR = 1..$a; MAC_ADDR = 1..$a}

$i = 0
ForEach ($Computer in $Computers) {
   $wmiquery = get-wmiobject win32_networkadapterconfiguration -computer $Computer -filter "IPEnabled='True'" -Credential $Cred

   $ComputerInfo.NAME[$i] = $Computer
   $ComputerInfo.IP_ADDR[$i] = $wmiquery.IPAddress[0]
   $ComputerInfo.MAC_ADDR[$i] = $wmiquery.MACAddress


The code above provides me with the information I want. However, I'm having trouble exporting to csv file / displaying in table. If I simply type: $ComputerInfo. I get:

Name Value



NAME {Server1, Server2, Server3}

Not exactly what I'm looking for. I want something more like:


[value] [value] [value]

[value] [value] [value]

[value] [value] [value]

If I export $ComputerInfo to CSV file it gets even goofier. I get

TYPE System.Collections.Hashtable

Best Answer

Overall I would make the following adjustments below. A few things I changed around:

  1. change your credential prompt to one line since Get-Credential can provide a message
  2. Created the table as a psobject, it makes it much easier to work with and referencing columns to set values.
  3. In using the psobject it removes the need to index into the array (e.g. using column[0])
  4. I added in testing if the computer was on the network before you try connecting to get information (just good practice).

When you want to add more columns to your table just expand the $props variable with your columns, and populate it in your foreach loop.

Output of this script just with my local computer: enter image description here enter image description here

Then to just show what it will output if I just ConvertTo-Csv: enter image description here

$UserCred = (Get-Credential -Message "Enter username")

$props = [ordered]@{NAME="";IP_ADDR="";MAC_ADDR=""}
$ComputerInfo = New-Object psobject -property $props

ForEach ($Computer in $Computers) {
    if (Test-Connection $computer) {
        $wmiquery = get-wmiobject win32_networkadapterconfiguration -computer $Computer -filter "IPEnabled='True'" -Credential $Cred
        $ComputerInfo.NAME = $computer
        $ComputerInfo.IP_ADDR = $wmiquery.IPAddress[0]
        $ComputerInfo.MAC_ADDR = $wmiquery.MACAddress
        Write-Warning "$($computer) not found on the network"



One thing to just add that you will see a difference with your $computerinfo versus mine above is the TypeName. If you pipe it to Get-Member your object will return as System.Collections.Hashtable, where mine is going to return as a System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject. The PSCustomObject will return each column in your table as a NoteProperty type that you can use in your script as you build onto it (e.g. querying the domain for Computer information).

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