Powershell – WDS – Initial configuration using PowerShell


I am installing WDS on Windows server 2012 R2. I want to use PowerShell from start to finish. I can install the feature, but I cant't find a way to do the initial configuration from the shell. This is normally done from ServerManager, but that's what I want to avoid.

Best Answer

Quick answer: No you cannot use Powershell.

Long answer: I just installed WDS role in 2012R2 in a lab, with MDT2013. WDS still uses the non-powershell, but confusingly similar in syntax wdsutil.exe for configuration.

I use Powershell in lieu of CMD.exe for most things, which gets REALLY confusing at times.


/> wdsutil.exe /get-namespace /namespace:domain

/> wdsutil.exe /intitialize-server /server:servername /reminst:"D:\RemoteInstall"

Start with wdsutil.exe /AllHelp and take notes so you don't have to learn all of it's quirks.