Powershell – Windows 2012 & Remote Desktop Users group


On Windows Server 2012, it seems that, by default, only users in the Administrators group are permitted to log on remotely to a Windows 2012 server.

How can I use PowerShell to allow users who are in the "Remote Desktop Users" group (but not in the Administrators group) to log in remotely?

Best Answer

Yes...a DC will have different rules (even on a 2008/2003.

You'll first need to set this:



You'll need to change the Domain Controller policy setting as well:

RDP - Allow log on through Terminal Services

This security setting determines which users or groups have permission to log on as a Terminal Services client. By default, on domain controllers only Administrators have permission.

But you also shouldn't be allowing non-admins access to a domain controller...but you can determine your level of risk here...