Powershell – Windows Server 2012 GUI went missing after removing Active Directory


I'm sorry but i'm stuck in figuring out a problem i'm facing here. I removed the AD feature from server manager and after rebooting, my server 2012 gui wasn't there anymore. There's only command prompt to deal with. I tried to enable back gui based on threads i've found. I did SConfig but option no.12 which is to restore gui is not there. I tried running powershell but it stated "powershell is not recognized as internal or external…". I change my path to c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0 and tried running powershell just to find the same error message. So how can i enable back the gui feature of my server 2012?

Best Answer

Is explorer simply not starting? have you tried typing explorer.exe in the command prompt window? I guess this isn't the case you wouldn't normally get a command prompt when logging in. It sounds like somehow the shell has been removed, effectively giving you a server core install, in which case try issuing the following from the command prompt. This should re-enable the shell if it has been somehow disabled.

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Server-Gui-Mgmt /featurename:Server-Gui-Shell /featurename:ServerCore-FullServer