Prevent booking a resource mailbox beyond a certain date in Exchange 2010


We're rearranging our current office in order to save money on the lease. This will remove a dozen or so conference rooms from use at the end of this month.

I've been asked to configure these resource mailboxes so that they will not accept any requests after March 31st. I thought there was an option in the EMC to edit the resource policy to do something like this, but I might have just been confused about the Booking Window option. In any case, is there an easy way to accomplish this that doesn't require manually creating a "Not available" meeting in each of these calendars?

Best Answer

From the comments: I would suggest that your best option is to block-book the rooms, and decline any existing meetings that have already been created past those dates. If you changed the booking window, I believe you would have to change it every day to reflect the number of days remaining.

If you want, something like this should do it:

@("Mailbox 1","Mailbox 2","Mailbox 3") | `
% { Set-CalendarProcessing -BookingWindowInDays <num> -EnforceSchedulingHorizon:$true }

(where <num> is the number of days remaining)

As @TheCleaner suggested, you can do this in one go with an appointment that has all of the rooms invited.

What you're asking for is technically possible with something like EWS, but it would be a lot of work and would probably be complete after the deadline!