Prevent Exchange 2013 from skipping large items (TooManyLargeItemsPermanentException)


I'm experimenting with Exchange 2013. After importing my mailbox using

 New-MailboxImportRequest -FilePath \\path\import.pst -Mailbox test

I get the message, that importging completed with errors. With

Get-MailboxImportRequest | Get-MailboxImportRequestStatistics -IncludeReport | fl >report.txt

I can see, that TooManyLargeItemsPermanentException is thrown.
I have 4 mails, which are too big.

I saw that I can controll how many large items can be skipped by using

-LargeItemLimit -AcceptLargeDataLoss

But does anybody know what I have to do to import everything? I want to have those large eMails in my mailbox.

Best Answer

The size limit on import is determined by the max message size settings in Exchange. To import larger mails, you will need to set max sizes using Powershell:

Set-TransportConfig -MaxSendSize 100MB -MaxReceiveSize 100MB
Get-ReceiveConnector | Set-ReceiveConnector -MaxMessageSize 100MB
Get-SendConnector | Set-SendConnector -MaxMessageSize 100MB

You then need to restart these services:

  • Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Transport Delivery
  • Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Transport Submission
  • Microsoft Exchange Transport
  • Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants

Just adjust the message sizes larger if you need to import something bigger. Make sure to adjust back down once done importing if smaller limitations are desired.

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