Prevent Out of Office Reply For Forwarded Messages


I've searched high and low for this, but have yet to find anything. I'm running Exchange 2010, and I have a mailbox set to forward all mail to another user. When this other user has their out of office turned on, anyone e-mailing the first user will get the response from the second user, even though they were not on the original e-mail. I've been trying to come up with out of office rules that could make it only respond when the e-mail was sent directly, or even a different way to do the forwarding so it doesn't trigger out of office. Anyone have any ideas?

Best Answer

I had the same problem. To clarify User 1 requires all mail to be forwarded to user 2.

User 2 has out of office on and mail from user 1 also recieves user 2 out of office messages.

I found the way to prevent this was in user 1 outlook mailbox, create a rule in the outlook client that says "where my name is in the to box" forward all mails to "user 2".

When the mail is forwarded user 2 and the out of office is switched on, the out of office message will not be forwarded to User 1 mails.

The only drawback to this is all mails recieved from user 1 to user 2 state "this message was forwarded" and appears to be sent from user 1. Unlike if forward mails using Exchange management console where you can see the senders address and thast it was sent to user 2