Prevent postfix appending search domain


I have postfix running on OpenBSD, and I'm having trouble with it appending a search domain when none is configured in either postfix or the local DNS server (dnsmasq).

My domain has a wildcard CNAME entry (* pointing at

I know that normally, in order to make it behave like this I would have a 'search' entry in my resolv.conf, but I have no such entry. My /etc/resolv.conf contains:

nameserver <my ISP's DNS 1>
nameserver <my ISP's DNS 2>

Dnsmasq knows to ignore the localhost entry (and says so in logs), but it means that other services look up in dnsmasq. dnsmasq is using only default config, with no changes at all.

If I enable logging in dnsmasq I get entries like this:

Dec 15 10:39:56 mail dnsmasq[640]: query[A] from
Dec 15 10:39:56 mail dnsmasq[640]: forwarded to <my ISP's DNS 1>
Dec 15 10:39:56 mail dnsmasq[640]: reply is NXDOMAIN-IPv4
Dec 15 10:39:56 mail dnsmasq[640]: query[AAAA] from
Dec 15 10:39:56 mail dnsmasq[640]: forwarded to <my ISP's DNS 1>
Dec 15 10:39:56 mail dnsmasq[640]: reply is NXDOMAIN-IPv6

That's all correct for a failing lookup, and dnsmasq is doing what it should. Then postfix does this:

Dec 15 10:39:56 mail dnsmasq[640]: query[A] from
Dec 15 10:39:56 mail dnsmasq[640]: forwarded to <my ISP's DNS 1>
Dec 15 10:39:56 mail dnsmasq[640]: reply is <my IP>
Dec 15 10:39:56 mail dnsmasq[640]: query[AAAA] from
Dec 15 10:39:56 mail dnsmasq[640]: cached is <CNAME>
Dec 15 10:39:56 mail dnsmasq[640]: cached is 2001:4b98:...

It appends my domain, does a lookup, matches the wildcard and ends up pointing where it shouldn't. If I issue name lookups directly to dnsmasq (e.g. with dig @localhost ...), it does not do these extra lookups, so it's definitely postfix that's doing it.

In my postfix config I have set it to defer to the system DNS service (dnsmasq), not to use its own dns resolver, and not to append a search domain, like this:

lmtp_host_lookup = native
smtp_host_lookup = native
smtp_dns_resolver_options =
disable_dns_lookups = yes
ignore_mx_lookup_error = no

The 'native' directive is clearly working as I am seeing the lookups in dnsmasq logs. According to the docs it seems as if smtp_dns_resolver_options is acting as if it's set to res_dnsrch, but it's not (it's blank).

Here's my postfix log from the same message transaction:

Dec 15 10:40:26 mail postfix/smtp[29517]: connect to[46....]:25: Connection timed out
Dec 15 10:40:26 mail postfix/smtp[29517]: connect to[2001:4b98:...]:25: No route to host
Dec 15 10:40:26 mail postfix/smtp[29517]: 22F8A3A4F0F: to=<>, relay=none, delay=168442, delays=168412/0.33/30/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to[2001:4b98:...]:25: No route to host)

The address it's trying to connect to is my wildcard host which is not running a mail server, hence the connection failures.

I found a release note saying that postfix used to automatically append domains, but that was stopped in version 2.8; I'm running 2.10.

How can I stop postfix from doing these lookups?

Best Answer

I don't think disable_dns_lookups does what you think it does. From

disable_dns_lookups (default: no)
Disable DNS lookups in the Postfix SMTP and LMTP clients. When disabled, hosts are looked up with the getaddrinfo() system library routine which normally also looks in /etc/hosts. As of Postfix 2.11, this parameter is deprecated; use smtp_dns_support_level instead.

DNS lookups are enabled by default.

I would suggest looking at some of the other postfix parameters like: append_at_myorigin and append_dot_mydomain as well as local_header_rewrite_clients

The output from postconf -n would help as well.

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