Primary and secondary name servers : Do they have to be hosted in same company


I have my domain hosted and I received to two name servers to be updated with my domain registrar , I know if the primary name server goes down DNS server automatically point my domain to the secondary name server but my question is what happens my host's whole system goes down? Since ns1 and ns2 are belong to the same company would my domain resolve to anything ? or can I have ns2 in a different server with a different company? if so how do I configure the ns2 backend ? Thank you

Best Answer

The answer to the main question is "no, they don't". Your two (or, indeed, more) nameservers can (and probably should) be hosted with separate companies, in separate datacentres, preferably served by different network providers.

How you set up your 2ary nameserver is slightly beyond the scope of an SF answer - it depends on what resolver you're running, or if you're going with a name service provider, what interface they provide. But not only is there no bar on hosting the two nameservers far apart from each other, it is best practice to do so.

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