Printer Naming Conventions


I am working on building a new AD print server and have been pondering the idea of renaming the printers. Right now we have a mix of names that varies between a mashup of some that reference location, some that reference functional area, and some that are rather generic. Some examples include the following:

  • Dell 5210 – Building Name
  • HP 4350 – Functional Area
  • Dell Color 3100 – Location and Building Number
  • HP 6500 – Mailroom

I was curious what other people used to name their printers with. What conventions do you use and how to design a method that will be able to be used for a while without needing to rename them all again. Also, the naming methodology needs to be understandable for regular computing users so that they can relatively easily find the printer that they need. I was looking at some ideas from here, but I was not sure how practical some of them are. Any help that you can provide is appreciated.

Note: I have reviewed many of the postings on here in relation to server naming conventions and found that they were not specific enough for the use case I present above.

Best Answer

Whatever you do, I would make sure the printer has it's name on it in very large clear lettering where end-users can see it - the bigger and more obtrusive the better - I use a large black on yellow label printer. Make sure this name is used consistently in software.

Old printers do sometimes get replaced and re-used in other locations. You have to have the discipline to rename them and re-label them.

I tend to keep records in an online web-page or Wiki that is easy for everyone to view and easy for me to update.

So long as you have clear labelling, diligent relabelling and well-maintained easily-found online documentation, you can use any naming system, even "printer_1" .. "printer_134" ..

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