Procurve script/automation


This may be a stupid question, but I'm normally not a network admin, but circumstances have me there. I'm trying to disable down ports on a switch, but have a boatload of them, I'd like to configure them as disabled, and with the guest vlan(in case they need to be enabled). I realize i can do this manually, but there are quite a few switches I'd like to do this on, and anywhere between 5-15 ports per switch.

Basically is there a way to automate the disabling of switch ports that are down(not plugged into anything).

Alternatively is there something I am missing? I find it hard to believe that all of the world's network engineers are stuck doing similar tasks by hand every time. If a major network change happens (as is my case) it seems like that would be a lot of monotonous wasted time disabling random ports.

Best Answer

Basically if port is down/disabled by command disable on HP switch if you plug anything that port will be still down until you manually enable it by using command enable.

So there is no automatic way of enabling port if you plug something to it, there is a way of disabling all down ports by a script as you mentioned before but not other way round.

Few ways of managing ports in that situation as you don't have to disable ports:

  • have all ports assigned to blank vlan so even if someone plug something there it wont work.
  • have procedures of who have access to the switches
  • use scripts to disable ports which are down
  • use .1x authentication - this is best you can have but its complex to setup, its automatically give/deny access to the network

You can also use Pro Curve manager but not sure if have that kind of functionality, we have one in use but old version and use only for config backup and to analyze traffic.