Prometheus – Get CPU Usage % for One Specific Process from Windows Exporter


I am trying to develop one query to show the CPU Usage(%) for one specific process in one windows server.
After digging into the metrics of windows exporter, I found Metric: process.windows_process_cpu_time_total should be the one.

I tried several queries, But all of them are not correct.

One of the Queries I tried:

100 * sum(windows_process_cpu_time_total{job="xxxx", process="Idle"})/(sum(windows_process_cpu_time_total{job="xxxx"}))

Best Answer

Finally I made it.

Below query seems match the actual usage.

100 * sum by (instance) (irate(windows_process_cpu_time_total{job="xxxx", process="Idle"}[1m]))/sum by (instance) (irate(windows_process_cpu_time_total{job="xxxx"}[1m]))

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