PowerShell NRPE – How to Display Accentuated Characters in Check_NRPE Result


I have a custom Powershell script called by Nagios using "check_nrpe". Currently all check results output messages with special characters like 'è', 'é' or 'à' are not displayed properly when the check result is shown on Nagios.

How to allow those to be displayed properly?

Check command

$USER1$/check_nrpe  -H server.tld -c check_foo -a 7 7 7  

Script call on nsclient.ini

[/settings/external scripts/scripts]
check_foo = cmd /c echo X:\scripts_\check-foo.ps1 -arg1 "$ARG1$" -arg2 "$ARG2$" -arg3 "$ARG3$"; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe -command -

Expected result

CRITICAL - Vérification échouée

Actual result

CRITICAL - Vrification choue

CRITICAL - V,rification ,choue,

# UTF-8 (GUI)
CRITICAL - VǸrification ǸchoueǸ 

Currently my Powershell script is remotely called with "check_nrpe" from the Linux CentOS 7 monitoring machine and NSClient++ on the target server (Windows 2016 Server). The script itelf is encoded as "UTF-8 BOM".

Best Answer

disable your nsclient.ini encoding utf8

;encoding = utf8

in your script use

[Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

output your result with : (instead of write-output or write-host)


works for me pick up from here

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