Protected bucket @ S3 – Access Denied

amazon s3amazon-web-servicescloudberry

I'm trying to grant RW access to a given bucket to a specific user using the following bucket policy:

  "Id": "Policy1322043790167",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "Stmt9999043784080",
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::private_bucket/*",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": [

As far as I can notice it's pretty equals to the examples at and I've followed what is documented at

Bu it's not working. Using the user AWS Key and Secret Key with the .NET SDK or with CloudBerry Explorer I get an "Access Denied" error.

What am I missing?

The following log is a snippet of the operations log tried by Cloudberry:

System.Net.WebException O servidor remoto retornou um erro: (403)
Proibido. em System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() em db.A(dD
, Action`1 , HttpWebRequest , dW )

2011-11-23 08:36:10,505 [S3] [4] INFO – InternalListBucketCall start,
bucket: secured_bucket, prefix: , marker: , maxkeys: 1, delimiter: /
2011-11-23 08:36:11,388 [S3] [4] ERROR – Http response status: 403:
Forbidden 2011-11-23 08:36:11,390 [S3] [4] ERROR – Http response
header: x-amz-request-id: 70941BB8654CE12E 2011-11-23 08:36:11,392
[S3] [4] ERROR – Http response header: x-amz-id-2:
2011-11-23 08:36:11,394 [S3] [4] ERROR – Http response
header: Transfer-Encoding: chunked 2011-11-23 08:36:11,396 [S3] [4]
ERROR – Http response header: Content-Type: application/xml 2011-11-23
08:36:11,398 [S3] [4] ERROR – Http response header: Date: Wed, 23 Nov
2011 10:36:31 GMT 2011-11-23 08:36:11,400 [S3] [4] ERROR – Http
response header: Server: AmazonS3 2011-11-23 08:36:11,402 [S3] [4]
2011-11-23 08:36:11,404 [S3] [4] ERROR – InternalListBucketCall failed
for bucket: secured_bucket, prefix: , marker: , maxkeys: 1, delimiter:
/ CloudBerryLab.Base.Exceptions.Status403Exception Access Denied

2011-11-23 08:36:11,407 [UI] [4] ERROR – Operation completed with
errors. Click Details for more information.
CloudBerryLab.Base.Exceptions.Status403Exception Access Denied em
kT.A(String , String , String , Int32 , String , FH ) em
kT.B(String , String ) em kM.a(String , Boolean ) em HW.a(String
, Boolean ) em HW.A(String ) em
CloudBerryLab.Explorer.Console.Controls.PluginArea.A(Object ,
DoWorkEventArgs )

2011-11-23 08:36:18,776 [Base] [11] INFO – PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86

Best Answer

I'm no s3 expert but have you tried giving it the ListAllMyBuckets privilege? I had this problem when trying to access s3 using s3cmd from an ec2 instance even though I granted all privileges with :* I had to explicitly give the ListAllMyBuckets privilege:

"Sid": "Stmt1397683550000",
  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Action": [
  "Resource": [