Protecting Hosted Windows 2008 Servers against DDOS Attacks


Followup to Identifying DDOS Attacks on Windows 2008 Servers.

What steps are people taking to prevent DDOS attacks against their Windows 2008 Servers in a hosted environment?

I'm particularly interested in ways that don't involve a separate hardware firewall, but rather things that can be done with software or configuration of the server itself.

MS has an article called How To: Harden the TCP/IP Stack. Does anyone have experience (or thoughts) on the success of those steps?

Best Answer

In practice, at the small scale you simply can't protect from a real DDOS as even ignoring resource usage issues it's very easy for even a thousand machines to swamp quite a large connection.

The only real things to do is standard config and hardening, ensuring only what's needed is running, and that what is needed it configured optimally.

Hopefully your ISP / colo will have some procedures to fix some things at their end if there are any attacks. However, unless you're a gambling, pornography or other (legal) fringe site such an attack is extremely unlikely.