Group Policy – How to Provide Service Start/Stop Permissions on Windows Server 2012


I have a very basic domain that I use for development. I want to create a GPO that provides users in the Backup Operators group with start/stop permissions for two specific services on a specific server.

I have read several articles about this, and they all indicate that this is very easy. Create a GPO, give the user start/stop permissions to the services under Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > System Services, and voila. Done.

Not so much, but I have to be doing something wrong.

My install is pretty much the default. The domain controller is in the Domain Controllers OU, the Backup Operators group is under Builtin, and I created a user called Backup under Users.

I created a GPO and linked it to the Domain Controllers OU. In the GPO I give the Backup user permission to start/stop two specific services on the server. I forced an update with gpupdate. I used Group Policy Results to verify that my GPO is the winning GPO giving the user the permission to start/stop the two services.

However, the user is still unable to start/stop the services. I attempted different loopback settings on the GPO to no avail.

I'm sort of at a loss here.

Best Answer

For posterity... I have no idea what I was doing wrong before, but I revisited this and was able to get it to work twice (a second time just to make sure I wasn't crazy) using the exact process I described above with a group policy object.

The only thing I can think of that I might have done differently was giving the Backup user Read privileges as well as Start/Stop/Restart privileges on the services.

Thanks to those who helped.