Proxy authentication for a program that is not proxy aware


At work we have a proxy that requires authentication (windows username/password) to be able to use.

I am in the situation where I have a program that communicates via port 443 but has no scope for proxy use.

Assuming the firewall cannot be changed is there any way that the program I have can be made to work through the proxy?

My thoughts are along the lines of a 3rd party app that will be proxy aware and capture and route traffic from that one program but I don't know if such things exist. Having said that any solution that will help programs use a proxy when they are not aware of it will be good. 🙂

Edit: Since posting I've come across SOCKS and some mention that this might be able to help and that there are ways to get non-SOCKS aware clients to use SOCKS…

Best Answer

You can setup transparent proxy on your client machine that will have your company's proxy as a parent and add authentication information when forwarding requests to the parent. You will need to install a proxy server that supports transparent proxying, I'd recommend squid; and you will need a firewall that will redirect your traffic to a proxy server, many windows firewalls can do that. Google for "squid transparent proxy", there are a lot of manuals.

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