PSEXEC Access denined using local account which exists both servers


2 Windows 2012 Server, no firewall, nothing triggered in MS Security Center Endpoint Protection.

Server A (GIS Server) utilizes a local account to perform various task; this account must exist on all other servers for it to be able to access those resources (Targer: Server B). To reiterate, this account exists on both servers and has an identical password.

PSEXEC works fine when using the powershell etc since I'm logged in as a domain admin. For testing purposes, I'm launching powershell via 'Run As' the local account. Try as I might, I keep getting 'access denied'.

  • I have tried providing (within the PSEXEC statement) a domain Admin (specifying both 'home' and the FQDN as sep. tests)
    account as well as the credentials for the local account.
  • I have tried given the local account on the target server admin
  • MS Endpoint Security logs nothing in its history
  • Event Viewer on the target server does show a security logon & log off event for the 'source' account but I don't seen anything of note in the event.
  • I have tried specifying a working directory where the local account has read/write/execute privileges
  • I believe I have tried every switch configuration
  • I have researched the PSEXEC forums on windows and searched exhaustively all this morning
  • This is not an empty password situation

I can provide more information about the entire workflow, but wanted to keep this very focused on what looks like the exact point of failure. I humbly turn to your expertise! When this is working it will bridge a major workflow for our work. many thanks!

Best Answer

I checked with some folks in the chat rooms and they said it would be best to answer this if there was a conclusion. A special thanks to Travis & TheCleaner. I elevated both local user accounts to admin and disabled UAC. Somebody can flame me on poor security practices, but after their suggestions, all supporting documentation affirmed this. Besides, I needed the thing to work and the servers in question are on an isolated network.

Thanks so much serverfault!