PsExec slow to start a process


PsExec (v2.11) can take up to a minute to invoke a process, either locally or remotely.

I'm using the following command line:

psexec.exe -u domain\username -p mypassword -accepteula -d -h \\machinename C:\path\to\myapp.exe

I have the firewall disabled on all machines.

What else can I look at?

UPDATE: I used procmon to highlight the delay:

enter image description here

Best Answer

The command indirectly open a user session under the specified username to run the process, thus it will be long, you can't do much for that problem.

Only tip to make it a bit faster:

  • You can try with -s to run the process as a LOCAL SYSTEM.

  • Try with -e, so it does not load the user profile.

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