Azure Private DNS – Using Azure Private DNS for Internal Resolution with Route 53


We are in the process of migrating on premises / datacenter service from colocation to Microsoft Azure. We have several domains, let's call one The web server is available to the world and public DNS for this domain is handled on Route 53.

In our Microsoft Azure VNET where the server sits, we have created a private Azure DNS zone for and configured the VNET to use it. This is so we can put internal host names here – e.g.,, etc there for resolution that points to internal resources.

As soon as we create the private DNS zone in Azure and link the VNET, none of the public entries are available as the Azure DNS private zone is authoritative.

My query: Is there any way to use Azure private DNS and Route53 public DNS for the same domain without maintaining the entire zone file in 2 places?

In the colocated environment we used a local server with DNSMASQ as the internal DNS which can just use its hosts file as a resolver and anything unresolved was forwarded to public DNS. This was really easy as it wasn't an authoritative resolver and only contained the internal hosts.

Apparently some Azure service work a lot better if you use Azure DNS – e.g. application Gateway, so we are looking to use it.

Thanks in advanced for any help.

Best Answer

You would need to setup a self hosted DNS server with conditional forwarders. For example a docker image on Ubuntu who runs unbound where you have a forwarder zone for you internal domain and the rest to AWS. But I don't understand why you use route53 in Azure, Azure dns is perfectly capable of public resolving.

You might need to to create a S2S vpn to be able to resolve using route53 from azure

There is also this container image You’ll need to configure an outbound route 53 resolver in aws.

Within azure you will need inbound resolvers configuring.

Then in AWS create route 53 rules for domains you wish to forward to azure to the corresponding inbound resolvers setup in azure.

This will allow you to resolve internal azure dns zones.

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