Puppet Dashboard – Getting it to display classes and the add class, group, etc. functional


I extracted the puppet dashboard, configured the clients to the report and got all the reporting stuff working. The classes in the policies are not being parsed into the dashboard.

I also added the following to the masters puppet configuration file and the pathing is correct with the dashboard running on the master.

 node_terminus  = exec
 external_nodes = /opt/dashboard/bin/external_node

I made sure the firewall is open and I changed the ruby path in the dashboard external node script to use the ruby that was installed (original uses /bin/ruby which doesn't work for ruby installs from source.) Running the external node script directly reports back my nodes, but the parameter listing and class listing are empty.

Looking in the database the class, reports, and parameters tables are empty, and not getting populated. I am guessing this is the core part of the problem.

How do I get this part of the dashboard working?

Best Answer

Turns out I misunderstood how the dashboard worked. One creates the base classes manually, and then uses the dashboard to group classes and nodes. The policy does not get itself modified in the process except to modify the base classes.