Puppet – Don’t stop manifest execution if a module fails


I'm having some trouble understanding one of many Puppet logic mechanisms : the module failing scenario.

I have multiple modules doing various things on a set of differences nodes and I want to implement the following scenario :

  1. deploy all modules for specified nodes
  2. if a module execution fails, only fail this module but keep applying other modules

I wrote something along these lines in my test module (yum) :

init.pp :

class yum {
    case $operatingsystem { 
        /(RedHat|CentOS)/ : { include yum:config }
        default:            { include yum:fail }

class yum::config {
    debug("[${fqdn}] Deploying yum.conf file")

class yum:fail {
    fail("[${fqdn}] This module is only for RedHat or CentOS")

And in my site.pp manifest :

node 'redhat', 'centos', 'debian' {
    include yum
    include motd

The problem is, if the operatingsystem case is not satisfied by a given node (debian in this instance), it will fail all consecutive modules (motd will NOT be applied).

So the question is : what am I doing wrong in this case ?

PS: Keep in mind that I'm still in the process of learning Puppet best practices and, as such, I am not pretending my code is spotless.

Best Answer

Silly me. It seems indeed that, considering my module structure, I just have to do nothing once we are in the child class yum::fail (maybe just put an info and/or debug message). No need to fail it explicitly.