Puppet file link doesn’t create target under Windows


file {'VaultUsersLink':
      path => "C:/VaultWorkspace/VaultUsers.lnk",
      require => File['VaultWorkspace'],
      ensure => link,
      target => "C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/facter/facts.d/inventorusers.txt",
      owner => 'SYSTEM',
      group => 'Users',
      mode => 0776,

Seems like it should make a shortcut, and it does make a 0 byte file named VaultUsers.lnk, but doesn't fill in the target. Am I missing something?

Best Answer

A link is not a Windows shortcut. A link is symbolic link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link. Does the file inventorusers.txt also have zero bytes?

link will make sure the file is a symlink, and requires that you also set the target attribute. Symlinks are supported on all Posix systems and on Windows Vista / 2008 and higher. On Windows, managing symlinks requires puppet agent’s user account to have the “Create Symbolic Links” privilege; this can be configured in the “User Rights Assignment” section in the Windows policy editor. By default, puppet agent runs as the Administrator account, which does have this privilege.

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