Puppet: force service restart after configuration file was modified


how can i ensure that if new version of configuration file is downloaded via puppet from master repository to one of managed servers relevant service is restarted.

typical scenario – let's say there is new munin or apache config. puppet client discovers it, overwrites local files… and… – how to make sure service is restarted / reloaded ?

thanks a lot!

Best Answer

An alternative to notify is subscribe:

file { "/etc/sshd_config":
    source => "....",

service { sshd:
    ensure => running,
    subscribe => File["/etc/sshd_config"],

The difference being that the relationship is described from the other end. For example, you might make apache subscribe to /etc/apache/httpd.conf, but you'd make a vhost file notify apache, as your apache class won't know about every vhost you have.

A similar dual-ended situation applies to require and before. It's just a matter of which makes more sense in the particular situation.

As Chad mentioned, if you find puppet constantly trying to start your service, then you need to add a pattern parameter, which is a regex to apply against the list of processes. By default puppet will do a stop and start to restart a service. If you add "hasrestart => true", then it will use the command specified in the "restart" parameter to restart the service.