Puppet Master attempts to resolve agent hostname


Running puppet agent -t from a non-dns resolvable client dumps out the following from a puppet master running in verbose mode:

Error: Could not resolve 10.110.x.xx: no name for 10.110.x.xx

(Where 10.110.x.xx is the ip of my puppet agent machine)

Does a puppet agent also need to be DNS resolvable?

Best Answer

Yes, the nodes must be resolvable from the puppetmaster.
This is one of the prerequisites before deploying Puppet (in a master/node setup), see https://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/install_puppet/pre_install.html#check-your-network-configuration:

Name resolution: Every node must have a unique hostname. Forward and reverse DNS must both be configured correctly. (Instructions for configuring DNS are beyond the scope of this guide. If your site lacks DNS, you must write an /etc/hosts file on each node.)