Puppet string interpolation with function call and a variable as parameter


Trying to construct a string.

I can do:

"Blah blah ${::osfamily} blah blah"

"Blah blah ${$::osfamily} blah blah"

But whats the syntax to call a function with a variable as parameter and have string interpolation work?

None of the following worked:

"Blah blah ${downcase($::osfamily)} blah blah"

"Blah blah ${downcase($osfamily)} blah blah"

"Blah blah ${downcase(::osfamily)} blah blah"

"Blah blah ${$downcase(osfamily)} blah blah"

"Blah blah ${$downcase($osfamily)} blah blah"
and so on.

All I get is:
Error 400 on SERVER: Syntax error at '('; expected ')'

Is that even possible in Puppet language?

Best Answer

It isn't possible. Puppet's language is a little ideosyncratic, in that many things you'd think would work just... don't. You'll need to assign the return value from the function to a variable, then interpolate that variable into the string, like this:

$downcased_osfamily = downcase($::osfamily)
"Blah blah ${downcased_osfamily} blah blah"

Of course, a string by itself isn't any use, so presumably you're assigning that string to a variable of its own, or using it as the value for a resource attribute.

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