Putty + Screen Auto Terminating Screens


I'm running screen inside a putty terminal. The problem I'm having is after a while of inactivity inside a screen, the screen automatically kills itself. So when I do things like run something overnight I'll come back in the morning to see that all my screens were terminated and I can't see the output (I know I can pipe it to a file but for these purposes I'd rather not). Is there any way I can stop this?


Just to clarify, the putty terminal doesn't get disconnect. The problem happens even while I'm working in another screen. I'll be working in screen X and all of a sudden screen Y will disappear after it's been idle for a while.

Best Answer

Sounds like an idle-process killer. By itself, if there was a network error or you were to close PuTTY, screen would just background itself, and you could recover by logging in again and doing 'screen -r'. If that's not possible, then something must be killing your screen process(es).