Python – How to install mod_wsgi in Apache for python 3.5 on CentOS 7 if apxs2 is missing


I am currently trying to install mod_wsgi 4.4.21 into Apache 2.4 for a Python 3.5 web server on CentOS 7.

Under "Configuring The Source Code" in the Quick Installation Guide, it says this:

On some Linux distributions, such as SUSE and CentOS, it will be necessary to use the "–with-apxs" option and specify either "/usr/sbin/apxs2-worker" or "/usr/sbin/apxs2-prefork".

As far as I can tell, those are supposed to come with the httpd-devel package. I have that installed already:

# rpm -qa | grep httpd

However I don't have apxs2-worker or apxs2-prefork in /usr/sbin:

# ls /usr/sbin/apxs*
ls: cannot access /usr/sbin/apxs*: No such file or directory

However, I do have apxs in /usr/bin. Can I just use that, or is there something else I am missing?

Best Answer

For posterity, I ended up using /usr/bin/apxs and it seems to work fine.