Ansible – How to Merge Two Files into a Single File on a Remote Server


I need to merge two files without duplicate entries in it. is there any way i can achieve it through ansible modules.
Ex i have two files /etc/hosts1 and /etc/hosts2. I need to have one /etc/hosts file with all entries present in both /etc/hosts1 and /etc/hosts2 without duplicate entries.
How can i achieve this.
An example would be appreciated

- name: Merge two files
    src: /etc/hosts1
    dest: /etc/hosts2

The above assemble module fails

Best Answer

This works. It reads the contents of all files and reduces the resulting array of lines to unique values. Then a new file with those lines is created.

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
      - /tmp/hosts1
      - /tmp/hosts2
  - name: read files
    command: awk 1 {{ hostsfiles | join(' ') }}
    register: hosts_contents
  - name: create hosts file
      dest: /tmp/hosts
      content: "{{ hosts_contents.stdout_lines | unique |join('\n') }}"

I'm using awk 1 instead of cat to add potentially missing line breaks to the end of the source files.