Python – IIS Won’t Let Python Script Set Headers


I am trying to get Python working with IIS 7.5.

I have added a script handler for Python:

Python Script Map Handler

Python itself doesn't seem to be the problem. I have ran scripts on the command line with no problem. The script I am using to test Python functionality is below:

print 'HTTP/1.0 Status: 200 OK'
print 'Content-type: text/html'

print '<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Python Sample CGI</TITLE></HEAD>'
print '<BODY>'
print '<H1>This is a header</H1>'

print '<p>' #this is a comment
print 'See this is just like most other HTML'
print '<br>'
print '</BODY>'

The problem is that IIS seems to be setting the HTTP content-type header to text/plain before the python script is executed, because when I browse to the python script in my browser, I get this output: browser output

What am I doing wrong, and how can I fix this?

Best Answer

There should be nothing at all printed before the header.

eg your program should start with:

print 'HTTP/1.0 Status: 200 OK'
print 'Content-type: text/html'