Python – ImportError: No module named svn.core Python Traceback


I am working on the Setup of the Subversion server in one of my environments using
Apache 2.4
Subversion 1.10.6
Python 2.7
Viewvc 1.2.1

Apache & Subversion installation has been done successfully. Further I am trying to use the WebSVN as Viewvc.

ViewVC was installed successfully and integrated with Python. While browsing the viewvc.cgi page I am able to see the page.

While I configure the viewvc for svnrepositories. I am getting error ImportError: No module named svn.core Python Traceback

I have installed the python svn module subversion-python. But still getting the issue.

Any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

As RedHat don't provide Subversion SWIG Python bindings package[1] which is needed for ViewVC Subversion support, you need 3rd party package[2], such as Collabnet or WANdisco, or build it from source.

