Python – Pip / boto problems – ImportError: No module named boto3


I want to get boto3 working in a python3 script. I can execute aws commands from the cli.

  1. After updating pip, it doesn't run with sudo rights unless I use the absolute path: /usr/local/bin/pip. Without sudo rights it works. I have no idea why it doesn't run under sudo, which it did before updating, as /usr/local/bin is in PATH.

  2. Should I run pip under sudo or not?

  3. I installed boto3, but still get ImportError: No module named 'boto3'. This is when I execute a script that runs python3. But it seems that boto3 is installed for python2.


$ sudo /usr/local/bin/pip install --upgrade boto3
Requirement already up-to-date: boto3 in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages

How do I get boto3 working with python3?

Best Answer

Probably, the best way to deal with multiple python versions is to isolate them using virtualenv

This article covers it's basics and would give you a good overview