Python – problem while installing some python packages


There is an issue while installing some of the packages for python. They show 'No package available' message while trying to do yum install . They are these: python-psycopg, python-reportlab, graphviz, python-psycopg2, pychart, pydot, python-lxml.

The OS is CentOS5.5, python2.4 and postgres8.x. Its for installing Openerp. Their forum was not of much help.

Any help on it is much appreciated, thanks.

Best Answer

CentOS doesn't have as many packages as other distributions and some of them are old, too. Add the EPEL repository and see if it has the necessarily packages.

The python-reportlab and python-psycopg packages are available in the RPMforge repository. I would recommend installing packages from this repository only if they're not available in CentOS or EPEL. This can be done with yum-priorities.