TCPDump – Redirect Generated PCAP File to Another Server While Capturing


I was looking for some command like this, it achieves:

  1. redirect the tcpdump generated pcap file to another server
  2. during the process of 1., using a python script or some tool to analyze each packet.

So from the point of the system user, when packets are being captured, s/he could both view the packets like in wireshark, and download a pcap file. Because the analyzing procedure could consume quite a some system resources, so I hope the pcap file could be redirected to another server, and run analysis on that server. Now the problem is, nc listener quits when tcpdump is killed (I have tried -15), while I hope the listener could still be running, because there may be several servers running tcpdump.

tcpdump -i eth0 port 8801 -w a.pcap | nc 9901

Best Answer

Set tcpdump to output raw PCAP data to standard out and utilize SSH as your transport mechanism to have that data written to a remote file on the remote analysis host, as a continuous stream.


tcpdump -i eth0 port 8801 -w - | ssh ${remote_host} "cat >> $(hostname).pcap"

In the above example, I've used $(hostname) to evaluate the hostname of the server (where the tcpdump is being run) to intelligently name the remote file, but of course, adapt this to your needs (maybe include a timestamp in the name, if that's useful).

Alternative example with UNIX timestamp remote file naming:

tcpdump -i eth0 port 8801 -w - | ssh ${remote_host} "cat > $(hostname)_$(date +%s).pcap"