Questions about AIX passwd file


I'm a beginner in AIX and I have 2 questions on AIX's passwd file.

  1. If there is a hash (#) symbol in front of a username, what does
    this mean?
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong. On the password field, if a
    user has password, it will be marked with an asterisk symbol (*). If
    a user does not have a password, it is marked with an exclamation
    mark (!) and that the account is locked / blocked.


Best Answer

  1. The hash in front of a username means that the user effectively does not exist. This is a TERRIBLE way to remove a user though. If you want to remove user, make sure you use rmuser. If you want to lock an account do chuser account_locked=true.

  2. This is incorrect.

To see if a user has a password or not, check /etc/security/passwd. If there is no password hash underneath the users name, then they do not have a password set. To check to see if a user is locked, do lsuser <user> and look for account_locked.

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