R410 System Services Update Required


I'm in a process of upgrading our servers with more RAM, storage and H700 RAID controllers. The message on boot shows instead of the F10 option, and it reads 'System Services Update Required'.

I've already downloaded Dell Repository Manager and created an ISO with updates for our server. It was running the update and iDRAC was being upgraded from 1.06 to 1.98 version. I left the server running and when I returned it was asking to reboot. Upon reboot, same message appears, and iDRAC is still 1.06.

I have gone to configure it for remote access (CTRL+E) and set static IP. I am unable to browse and ping does not get any response on that IP. I've tried while in the config menu, as well as when the server is booted into ESXi (using different static IP).

My question is, should I even bother with iDRAC updates? If so, is there any other method of updating it?

I've looked and looked, found some posts, blogs, here and there, but can't get it to update at the moment. I'd rather have a 100% functioning server before moving back VMs onto it.

Any help would be appreciated. If all fails we may need to renew support for these servers with Dell.

Update 1: After trying to run the updates again, iDRAC is still on old version. It will pop up a message about Fan 4 that may use different speed. It will start booting normally with Temp displayed. When it gets to starting iDRAC, the fans go crazy and temp shows 25 Celcius. Shortly followed by 'Temp unavailable'. Then I will see temperature again, it will boot to ESXi, and when it's finished loading, fans go up to about half the speed with 'Temp Unavailable' still on the display. vSphere Client can't report on hardware because: Hardware monitoring service on this host is not responding or not available. I fear without this Veeam One will not be able to report on the status of the server.

Update 2: Tried everything suggested and contacted Dell Support. They have suggested few of the things I've tried, as well as reinstalling the old RAID card, restoring iDRAC settings to default, but nothing has worked. They suggested a motherboard replacement will be required to fix this. Not sure what's caused the iDRAC and LCC to fail …

Best Answer

Are you able to SSH into the iDRAC's static ip? If you can SSH into it, restarting it sometimes helps to get the webinterface back up: racadm racreset

Having an updated iDRAC might be necessary for it to be able to read out the new raid controller and actually find your disks, in case you ever need to do some remote management or something breaks.

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