Rackspace Cloud Sites API (Not Cloud Servers)


I'm looking for a way to pull data from my Rackspace Cloud SITES account. The data I want to pull is bandwidth, diskspace, and compute cycles (all available from control panel). I'd like to set up my own warning system, to be notified if I'm close to my limits on any given month.

Does anyone know of a way/API to do this?

Best Answer

I've asked the same question myself of Rackspace support. They said:

... We are working on a new stats system that will be customer facing, however I do not have any firm ETA on that project.

I was also looking for hourly stats on bandwith et al, and they could not do that either. They do have daily numbers, but you have to raise a ticket and have them send you a spreadsheet with them.

EDIT: I've just logged in today and have seen (in the menu under YourAccount/Reports) new per-billing cycle graphs of CloudSites stats for bandwidth, CC's, disk-space etc. I'm really not sure at all of the numbers that are shown there, but it's a start. No exporting of the numbers from there either that I can see on the page.

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