RAID-1 to RAID-5 using mdadm


As per subject.

When converting from RAID-1 to RAID-5 using mdadm, why must a RAID 1 array contain 2 devices and not more than 2 devices? I don't understand RAID strong enough to pinpoint a reason.

Background: My three RAID-1 arrays contain 3 devices each, my goal is to remove one device from two of the arrays, and attach the spare devices to the remaining RAID-1 array. That will leave two RAID-1 arrays with 2 devices each, and the remaining RAID array with 4 devices. The goal is take the 4 device RAID-1 array and convert that to RAID-5. This is not a discussion about which RAID architectures are better or worse, just the process to change a RAID-1 array to a RAID-5 array.

Best Answer

There is no migration path from RAID-1 to RAID-5, except for the special case with two disks, where RAID-1 conveniently is the same as RAID-4 and RAID-5 (because the parity of a single bit is the bit itself), so the migration code just changes the RAID level without touching the data.

After converting to RAID-5, you can add more disks to the array — this migration path exists.

So your migration plan would be:

  1. Run a consistency check on all devices (/usr/share/mdadm/checkarray …)
  2. Reduce all arrays to two disks¹
  3. Convert the array you want to switch to RAID-5 (--grow … -l5)
  4. Add the extra disks to the RAID-5 as spares (--grow … --add …)
  5. Set the new number of disks (--grow … -n4).

¹ That is tricky, because there is no good way to reduce the number of disks. You can, from a rescue system, overwrite the RAID superblock and use the --assume-clean option to avoid a rebuild, but you need to use the same superblock version as before (use mdadm --examine … on one of the component devices to find out).

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