RAID Performance – RAID 50 vs RAID 10 Comparison


I have a server with 6 SSD's and a raid controller card that supports both RAID 10 and RAID 50 the plan is to use this as our Build server. It will be pulling in NPM Packages and many small code files, compiling and uploading artefacts.

We currently have a server doing this and it is running up against an IO Bottleneck (it is using non SSD Drives currently in a RAID1 config).

Which RAID configuration would be best for this out of RAID 50 and RAID 10 for performance??

From the use case the IO will be mainly writes of small files (random writes). Disk Space and uptime are not a major concern as we have a failover and rebuilding the server is simple. So I am not concerned about how many drive failures before taking down the array etc the only consideration is performance.

RAID0 has been ruled out via bureaucracy.

I guess the real question is does the calculation for parity take longer than always writing to the same mirrored disk?

Best Answer

RAID 10 is the performance king, especially for writes. You will avoid parity calculations and write penalties.

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