Raid Information Through ESXi


I have created a few virtual disks using Raid controller from a Dell server. And then I installed ESXi on the server. But when I view the virtualdisk on the esxi under storage, I see all of them, but I cant tell which one is which.

e.g I have a few raid 1 disks and a few raid 0 disks, but can't identify and distinguish among them under ESXi.

any inputs?

Best Answer

You should be able to determine which logical/virtual drives are which.

The VMware client will display your block devices and how they're enumerated. You should know the capacities of your virtual drives. This should be enough to go on.

enter image description here

In addition, if you have your Dell OMSA agents or PERC/MegaRAID .vibs installed (or a custom Dell ISO), the virtual disk information should also be displayed under the hardware tab.

enter image description here

Either way, these things usually show up in order...