RAID layout for terminal server usage – what are the options


I'm finishing off a Terminal Services solution where I have two identical Dell PowerEdge R710 servers running Hyper-V which will both be connected to a Dell MD3000 DAS via SAS HBA. The MD3000 will host several virtual terminal servers.

The question is: what would be a good disk configuration for the MD3000 DAS?

These terminal server images (min of 4, max of 6) will be used by a relatively small number of people (approx. 20). Usage mainly revolves around using our custom .NET data-entry apps, MS Office (email, word, excel, ppt), browser usage, etc. Fairly low usage and 99% of all user data is stored on a separate file server.

I believe more fault tolerance is needed than RAID 5 can provide. I would like the ability to absorb at least 2 disk failures. I plan on purchasing backup hdd's to quickly hot-swap in in the event of disk failure.

The notable options are RAID's 1 / 6 / 10 / 15. Please feel free to contribute outside of these margins.

In accordance with Serverfault posting rules, please state your suggestion accompanied by solid reasoning and/or factual evidence and steer clear of personal opinions. Examples of configurations you have built or worked with would also be worthwhile to mention.

Best Answer

RAID 10 is almost always the right answer - don't get me wrong there's stuff I do in R6, stuff that's low performance and has very low write requirements but my default is R10 and never R5. Is there any reason not to just use this?