RDP exits immediately after connecting to Windows Server 2008 R2

rdpremote desktopwindows-server-2008-r2

Background: I recently got a Windows cloud VPS server. I don't have much experience with server admin (I'm a programmer), and what little I do have is with linux servers.

Ever since getting the server I've been having issues with RDP. I can connect about two or three times, after which point I can't connect until one of the tech guys "fixes" it (see below). When I connect, I can stay connected for hours with no problem.

When the problem connecting starts, the first time I try to log in, the remote desktop window pops up, starts connecting, and then exits with "Your Remote Desktop session has ended". After that, for about 10-20 minutes if I try to connect again, the connections times out with

Remote Desktop can't connect to the computer for one of these reasons: 1) Remote access on the server is not enabled 2) The remote computer is turned off 3) The remote computer is not available on the network

then goes back to connecting once and immediately disconnecting.

All of the updates are installed. The firewall has been correctly configured to let RDP traffic through. The remote setting is "Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop". I tried creating a second user, and when I can't connect, I can't connect to that user either. I've tried both soft and hard reboots, neither of which help. I've tried connecting from two different computers (both running Windows 7) from two different networks (work and home), and the behavior is the same.

Everything else on the server continues to run fine (IIS-served http pages, Tomcat-served java pages, svn, ping).

The "fix" that the tech guys supply is simply logging into the console on their end, after which point I can connnect 2 or 3 times again.

The event viewer on the server has "authentication failure" (or something similar) events generated when I attempt to log in and can't. I can't get to the actual event at the moment as I'm currently in the can't connect stage, and waiting for the techs to log in. But when I searched for the event earlier this morning I couldn't find anything useful.

Can anyone help?

Best Answer

I had a similar thing as well with regards to Windows Updates. One of the updates seemed to disable RDP and VNC Services but local login was fine.

I ended up having LogMeIn installed by a local tech and when I logged in with my account I found a dialog waiting for me to click on that said 'Windows Service Pack 1 installed Successfully' or something to that effect. After clicking OK everything worked fine.

Thanks Microsoft.