Read/write permissions for /var/www


I've got a Debian 8 server running where /var/www is owned by www-data and has the permissions drwxr-xr-x for both, files and subdirectories.

Since I need to upload files via SFTP (public/private key authentication; password and non-encrypted FTP is blocked) I thought it should be no problem to add my user account to the group www-data. Thus, I exectued:

sudo usermod --append --groups www-data my-user

I already logged out of the current SSH session in order to trigger a reload of the permissions. id my-user now shows:

uid=1000(my-user) gid=1000(my-user) groups=1000(my-user),33(www-data)

However, I am still unable to write data via SFTP in /var/www. Even a simple touch test.txt directly via SSH fails with Permission denied.

I thought rwx is read, write and execute. Obviously my understanding of the directory/file permissions is incomplete. Can someone help?

Best Answer

You state the permissions for /var/www are drwxr-xr-x which is rwx for owner only. Group has r-x which means even though you added yourself to the www-data group, the directory does not allow the group write permission to /var/www.

chmod g+w /var/www to allow your account to be able to add files to /var/www.

If there are any subdirectories beneath /var/www, you will want to do the same chmod command if you need to be able to write to those directories ever.

Also consider setting the group sticky bit so all files created in /var/www will have www-data as the group.

chmod g+s /var/www

Again, for any subdirectories underneath /var/www, you will want to add this as well.

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