Recommended way to setup a secure ESXi environment with a publicly accessible range and 2 NICs


I am fairly new to ESXi but have decided to dive into this, but have found out that things are not as easy as I had expected them to be (no doubt this is primarily caused by my lack of knowledge on the matter at this time).

What I have:

  • A dedicated server with 1 NIC running ESXi
  • A single (public) IP address for the host
  • A set of (public) IP addresses intended for any use I see them fit. To keep things simple, let's imagine a single webserver for now.

What I want to achieve:

  • Secure ESXi management; I really feel that a publicly accessible management host is wrong.
    • I don't have any physical routers at my disposal so I cannot hide the host behind a physical VPN.
  • Public access to some of my guest systems
  • Additional guests need to sit on a private network.
  • Public and private guests should optionally be able to communicate via the private network.

Currently, I'm a bit lost on how I should tackle this. I'd probably be able to get something running, but I don't want to start on the wrong basis or make choices that end up to be insecure.

Any help is appreciated.

UPDATE: what I have achieved so far (and network screenshot):

  • ESXi is up and running, still on the public interface
  • I have configured a pfSense guest
  • I have configured a DSL desktop to reach the pfSense guest through the private network.

I still feel that hiding ESXi behind a virtual VPN is quite risky, since I do not have console access. If I am overlooking something, or any alternatives are possible, I'd really like to know.

Network configuration for ESXi host

Best Answer

In a nutshell:

  1. Create (at least) two vSwitches, one "public", connected to one of the server NICs and one "private", which is not attached to any physical NIC.
  2. Pick an RFC1918 subnet to use on the private vSwitch, say
  3. Install pfSense in a VM, assign its WAN interface to the public vSwitch and its LAN interface to the private vSwitch. Additionally, assign the VMware vKernel management port to the private vSwitch.
  4. Set up a VPN in pfSense along with appropriate routing to get to the private network. OpenVPN is quite easy to set up, but IPsec would be fine as well.
  5. For any server VMs you have, assign their interface to the private network.
  6. Create Virtual IPs in pfSense for the rest of your public IP addresses, then set up port forwards for any services you need people to be able to access from outside the host.

At this point, the pfSense VM will be the only way traffic can get from the outside to the rest of your servers and management interfaces. As such, you can specify very specific rules about which traffic is allowed and which is blocked. You will be able to use the vSphere Client after connecting to the VPN you configured in step 4.