Recover data from PERC 6/i RAID5 array using software RAID


I have 4 hard drives from a RAID5 array from a Dell server that suffered physical damage to the PERC 6/i RAID controller card.

The 4 disks themselves are undamaged and I've created 4 disk images using ddrescue.

Is there a way in Debian to recover the RAID array from the 4 images to a new disk image without the use of a new PERC 6/i controller card? (i.e. recovering the RAID array in software cf hardware).


Best Answer

Can't help with Debian I'm afraid, but there is software that can recover the data that was on the array. It won't create a brand new array, but it gives you a chance to get the data off the system and back it up.

The only one I've had success with was Zero Assumption Recovery.

However, the easiest thing to do would be to get a new PERC 6/i card and just plug them in; it should re-detect the existing array and just re-mount it.

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