Recover data on a hard-drive that changed partition table

gpartedgpthard drivembr

I changed the partition table on one HDD from GPT to MBR/MSDOS but I realized (too late) that it affected all partitions on the same HDD. Basically I lost data on the secondary partition which I wanted to keep.

I used gparted to perform the change of partition type.

How can I recover the data I had on my secondary partition? Nothing has been formatted, I've "only" changed the partition table (i.e. I guess destroy the previous partition table).

Recovering the data that was loosed is of more importance than getting to a HDD with MBR at the moment.


Best Answer

If you (somehow) remember/backed up the previous PT, then just recreating it with the same layout should cut it IF you did not write to the disk. Otherwise, all bets are off.

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