Recursively changing the content-type for files of a given extension on Amazon S3

amazon s3aws-cli

I have a large S3 bucket with a nested "folder" structure containing (among other things) static .json and .md files. Theses files are being served by S3 as text/plain rather than the correct application/json and text/markdown.

I have updated the bucket defaults so that new uploads will have the correct content type.

What is the best way to walk the "tree" and update the content type for files matching a certain extension?

Best Answer

Here is an example how to do this with the aws cli tool. The cp tool allows the use of a recursive options, which I don't think the s3api tool can do. In this case, I'm fixing a bunch of SVGs. Remove the --dryrun options when you are ready to unleash it.

aws s3 cp \
      --exclude "*" \
      --include "*.svg" \
      --content-type="image/svg+xml"  \
      --metadata-directive="REPLACE" \
      --recursive \
      --dryrun \
       s3://mybucket/static/ \