Redhat – How to configure DHCP client options in RHEL7


I have a RedHat 7 server with a couple of network interfaces. One of those is DHCP enabled.


My problem is that it can happen that the DHCP server for that network is not reachable at the time the server boots up. From my understanding, a retry time can be configured?! Is that correct in the first place?

From what I read so far this should be possible in the dhclient-conf (as described here or here).

However: I do not find any such config file on my RHEL7. I am not using NetworkManager (uninstalled it). Can anyone share some advice how to configure dhcp client options in RHEL7?

Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

Well, I did not manage to get a dhclient.conf file configured. However, my actual goal, to get DHCP leases even after boot, this parameter in the ifcfg-eth4 did actually work:



Now the OS seems to keep checking for a DHCP server as long as it finds one.