Redhat – How To Monitor And Alert For KVM Hypervisors


We have an environment where we are currently monitoring ~50 VM hosts running esxi.

We easily get alerts for hardware events and exceeding performance thresholds via vcenter.

We're planning on adding some KVM hosts to our infrastructure. But we have no idea how to get similar capabilities in terms of monitoring and alerting.

Any suggestions? I've seen RHEV and it looks promising but I'm not sure if management wants to deal with licensing for both hypervisors at the moment. Maybe there are some free utilities that do a good enough job?

Best Answer

Since KVM is a part of Linux, any Linux based monitoring solutions will work, from the standard nagios checks to proprietary hardware health monitoring solutions, like Dell OMSA.

RHEV will monitor the hosts' health, keep the VMs working and make sure all hosts can access all the required cluster resources, but it is not meant to monitor hardware level issues, e.g. a degraded raid array on the host is not something RHEV will look for, but as I mentioned, since RHEV hosts are just Linux, you can install whatever monitoring you prefer and integrate the host health monitoring with the rest of your monitoring systems.

BTW, if you want to try RHEV, it is free for the first two months, and there's also upstream oVirt you can try.