Redhat – How to remount an NFS volume on Red Hat Linux


I changed the user id of a user on an NFS client that mounts a volume from another server. My goal is to get the 2 users to have the same id, so that both servers can read and write to the volume.

I changed the id successfully on the client system, but now when I look at the NFS mount from that system, it reports the files being owned by the old id. So it looks like I need to "refresh" that mount.

I have found many instructions on how to remount, but each seems slightly different according to the type of system. Is there a simple command I can run to get the mounted volume to refresh so that it interprets the new user settings?

Best Answer

It sounds like you need to change the ownership of the files -- not remount the share. The files will continue to be owned by the old UID since nothing has been done about that.

As root or with sudo: find /path/to/share/. -uid $OLDUID -exec chown $USER {} \;

That said, to answer the question you can remount a share on any Linux system with the remount option to the mount command.

mount -o remount /mountpoint